Imagine receiving a beautifully wrapped gift – then told you couldn’t open it? Not just a “do not open before Christmas” admonition, I mean you can’t open it - ever. You’ll never experience or enjoy what’s inside. Would you ever give a gift and tell the recipient, “You can’t open it – not ever.” That would just be weird, [...]


Give Thanks To The Opposition

To be in a consistent state of unconditional love, thankfulness, and gratitude, has been touted for thousands of years as an enlightened mind-set. So, how then do we apply this sage wisdom to unconditionally love, and even be thankful for, those we absolutely don’t agree with or even hate? It's easy to be thankful for those who love and [...]


Will You Try A Road Yet Traveled?

Once on a business trip in southern Nevada, I took some time to venture a hike into Grapevine Canyon - known for 1,000-year-old petroglyphs. My GPS directed my vehicle right to the parking lot and the trail head was well marked. A few hundred yards into the hike, the trail became increasingly obscure. What appeared to be the trail [...]


BBB – Back to Business Basics

Looking back over the last decade, I've spent time in several business communities across the country. Some cities were hit extremely hard by the financial turmoil our country has had to endure. In smaller towns, where a large or sole business supplied most of the available jobs, closing their doors was devastating to the local economy. I noticed, however, [...]


Are We Creatures of Bias?

It is time to become critical thinkers, not just critics. Humanity, en masse, hasn't been playing the smartest game. We can do the blame game – but isn’t that what has gotten where we are? And where is it that we are? We are creatures of bias. The root cause of our current social/political dilemmas stem from our incessant [...]


‘Tis the Season for Giving PRESENCE

Imagine, for a moment, people at the end of life. What might be on their minds? A recollection of all the cool presents they've received over the years? Perhaps material things they still want? I'm thinking ... not! They are more likely to be remembering those sacred gifts of presence they've been so fortunate to receive - and the [...]

2018-12-03T18:12:39-07:00 – Synergistic Culture

This is an audio playback of an interview on! Bill Black (founder of the Exit Coach Radio show) interviews Barry Moniak for the 2nd time. This interview focuses on the creation of a synergistic culture within an organization and why it is so beneficial. What is a synergistic culture? What is interdependence? Why do we resist interdependence? (Recorded in August of 2015) To [...]

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